Safeena Husain, the Founder of Educate Girls, is dedicated to reintegrating girls who are out of school back into the education system.

The compelling narrative of Safeena Husain unfolds as she emerges as a prominent advocate for girls’ education in India.

Background and Early Life:

Safeena Husain’s upbringing in the slums of Delhi was marked by poverty, violence, and adversity. Despite these formidable challenges, she defied the odds by becoming the first individual in her family to pursue higher education abroad, graduating from the esteemed London School of Economics (LSE).

Establishment of Educate Girls:

In 2007, recognizing the transformative power of education, particularly for girls, Safeena Husain founded Educate Girls. This non-profit organization is committed to empowering communities through the advancement of girls’ education.

Mission and Influence:

Educate Girls operates in villages spanning Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. Collaborating with governmental bodies, volunteers facilitate the enrollment and retention of out-of-school girls, successfully mobilizing over 1.4 million girls across more than 24,000 villages.

Importance of Girls’ Education:

Safeena’s personal journey, including interruptions in her education due to societal constraints, fuels her fervor for educational equity. Her conviction that every girl should have access to opportunities akin to her LSE experience drives her advocacy for marginalized girls.

Global Acclaim:

Safeena Husain’s relentless dedication earned her the esteemed 2023 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Award, making her the first Indian woman to receive this prestigious global recognition.

Safeena Husain’s trajectory from humble beginnings to international acclaim embodies the potent impact of education. Her unwavering commitment to empowering girls serves as a beacon of inspiration, urging others to champion educational equity and foster a brighter future for girls worldwide.

Her work has not only brought tangible changes to countless lives but has also shifted societal perceptions about the importance of educating girls. Through her leadership, Educate Girls has developed a community-centric model that leverages local resources and knowledge, ensuring that the initiatives are sustainable and culturally sensitive.

Beyond Educate Girls:

Safeena Husain’s impact extends beyond the boundaries of her organization. She is a sought-after speaker at international forums, where she shares insights and strategies on overcoming barriers to girls’ education. Her contributions have influenced policy changes, and she consults with global education bodies to shape inclusive educational frameworks.

Recognition and Future Aspirations:

In addition to the WISE Award, Safeena has been honoured with numerous accolades, including the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship and recognition by the United Nations. Despite these accolades, she remains focused on her ultimate goal: to see every girl in school and learning.

Safeena’s future aspirations include expanding Educate Girls’ reach to more states within India and exploring partnerships that can amplify their impact. She envisions a world where gender does not determine a child’s educational opportunities and is steadfast in her mission to make this vision a reality.

Safeena Husain: Championing Girls’ Education in India

Leading Educate Girls to Empower Millions

Safeena Husain, the founder and director of Educate Girls (EG), is a driving force for girls’ education in India. EG tackles the challenge of educating girls in remote villages, and under Safeena’s leadership, the organization has achieved remarkable success.

Enrollment, Impact, and Beyond

With Safeena at the helm, EG has enrolled over 950,000 girls, positively impacting over 11.5 million beneficiaries. Her commitment extends beyond enrollment. When the pandemic struck in 2020, EG, under Safeena’s guidance, provided vital support by distributing rations to over 100,000 families in rural India.

Camp Vidya: Education in the Face of Crisis

Recognizing the pandemic’s threat to children’s education, especially for girls, Safeena spearheaded Camp Vidya, a community-based learning initiative. Over 11,000 camps were held, mitigating learning disruption.

A Global Leader in Education

Safeena’s vision and leadership have propelled EG to achieve groundbreaking milestones. EG secured the world’s first Development Impact Bond in education, exceeding enrollment and learning targets by a significant margin. This showcases EG’s dedication to quality education and its unwavering commitment to every child.

Safeena’s influence extends beyond EG. She played a key role in securing EG’s recognition as Asia’s first Audacious Project, a prestigious designation for impactful initiatives. Additionally, EG’s work was selected at the MIT Solve Challenge and recognized as one of the world’s top 100 innovations in K-12 education.

Accolades for a Tireless Advocate

Safeena’s dedication to grassroots education reform has been widely recognized. She is a recipient of numerous awards, including the NITI Aayog’s Women Transforming India Award and the NDTV-L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth Award.

Safeena Husain’s story is one of remarkable leadership and unwavering dedication. Through her work with Educate Girls, she continues to empower millions of girls and pave the way for a brighter future through education.

Legacy and Inspiration:

Safeena Husain’s story is a testament to the transformative power of education and the indomitable spirit of those who advocate for change. Her relentless pursuit of educational equity continues to inspire educators, policymakers, and activists worldwide. Safeena’s journey underscores the message that with determination and vision, it is possible to break cycles of poverty and create lasting social change.

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