Discover Seven Inspiring Sanskrit Shlokas with Meanings to Propel You Towards Success

Discover the seven most inspiring Sanskrit shlokas, each with profound meanings to fuel your journey towards success. These ancient verses carry timeless wisdom that can guide and uplift you in your pursuit of excellence.

In the modern world, the desire for success and achievement is universal. Alongside taking the right actions, it is crucial to engage with motivational content that uplifts our spirits and keeps us concentrated on our objectives. The Hindu Shastras are replete with inspirational material that can propel individuals towards their goals and the attainment of success.

We’ve curated a list of the top seven motivational shlokas, complete with their meanings, to inspire success and help you attain your goals.

Seven Motivational Sanskrit Shlokas and Their Meanings

विवेकख्यातिरविप्लवा हानोपायः।

vivekakhyātiraviplavā hānopāyaḥ।

Meaning: Uninterrupted practice of discrimination (between real and unreal )is the means to liberation and the cessation of ignorance.

संधिविग्रहयोस्तुल्यायां वृद्धौ संधिमुपेयात्।

saṃdhivigrahayostulyāyāṃ vṛddhau saṃdhimupeyāt।

Meaning: If there is an equal benefit in peace or war, he (the king) should choose peace.

सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम्।

एतद् विद्यात् समासेन लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः॥

sarvaṃ paravaśaṃ duḥkhaṃ sarvamātmavaśaṃ sukham।

etad vidyāt samāsena lakṣaṇaṃ sukhaduḥkhayoḥ॥

Meaning: Everything that is in other’s control is painful. All that is in self-control is happiness. This is the definition of happiness and pain in short.

अप्राप्यं नाम नेहास्ति धीरस्य व्यवसायिनः।

aprāpyaṃ nāma nehāsti dhīrasya vyavasāyinaḥ।

Meaning: There is nothing unattainable to the one who has courage and who works hard.

reading motivational Sanskrit Shlokas might help you stay positive and work towards your goals. (Image Source: Canva)

सिंहवत्सर्ववेगेन पतन्त्यर्थे किलार्थिनः॥

siṃhavatsarvavegena patantyarthe kilārthinaḥ॥

Meaning: Those who intend to get work done cast themselves on the task with all possible speed, like a lion.

अनारम्भस्तु कार्याणां प्रथमं बुद्धिलक्षणम्।

आरब्धस्यान्तगमनं द्वितीयं बुद्धिलक्षणम्॥

anārambhastu kāryāṇāṃ prathamaṃ buddhilakṣaṇam।

ārabdhasyāntagamanaṃ dvitīyaṃ buddhilakṣaṇam॥

Meaning: Not starting tasks is the first characteristic of intelligence. Once started, bringing tasks to completion is the second characteristic of intelligence.

कल्पयति येन वृत्तिं येन च लोके प्रशस्यते सद्भिः।

स गुणस्तेन च गुणिना रक्ष्यः संवर्धनीयश्च॥

kalpayati yena vṛttiṃ yena ca loke praśasyate sadbhiḥ।

sa guṇastena ca guṇinā rakṣyaḥ saṃvardhanīyaśca॥

Meaning: The skill that sustains livelihood and which is praised by all should be fostered and protected for your own development.

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